ACA Reporting Dashboard

Monitor ACA Compliance With Ease


Track ACA Compliance in Real Time

Ongoing ALE Status Tracking

Continuously track your ALE status based on your organization's current number of full-time and part-time employees.

Automated Monthly FTE Calculations

Full-time equivalent counts are calculated each month according to complex IRS rules. No more manual tracking.

Coverage Offer Tracking

At a glance, see a list of the employees who have been calculated as ACA FT, but do not have an offer of coverage recorded. This will help reduce your risk of costly 4980(h) penalties. 

Affordability Level Updates

As employee salaries and plans change, ACA affordability is recalculated to alert you if any plans fall out of compliance. Make adjustments early.

Employee Status Trending

See which part-time employees are trending towards full-time status. This allows you to adjust hours or prepare to make an offer of coverage.

With the ACA Reporter Dashboard, you have complete visibility into the factors impacting your compliance at any point in time. You can instantly identify issues, take preventative and corrective action, and avoid penalties. Compliance uncertainty becomes a thing of the past. 

Streamline Process

Reduce Stress, Risk, and Manual Work

ACA compliance tracking can be frustrating using spreadsheets or manual processes. The ACA Reporter Dashboard simplifies your compliance task list: 

  • Avoid Penalties - With visibility into your organization's ACA compliance standing, you can proactively resolve issues before penalties occur. Stress less during filing season. 

  • Data-Driven Compliance Insights - Dashboards and reports provide actionable insights into compliance risks, trends, and opportunities. Make smart data-based decisions.

  • Eliminate Manual Monitoring - Ongoing automated tracking eliminates spreadsheet maintenance or other manual compliance oversight tasks. Save time and money.

  • Simplified Management - Easy to use interface reduces the burden on your HR team and makes ACA compliance far less complex.

  • Ongoing Product Updates - As regulations change, we continually update the dashboard to support new requirements and ensure optimal compliance. 

With the ACA Reporter Dashboard, you can reduce anxiety over ACA compliance. Automated and expert supported tracking provides the insight you need to confidently stay on top of your ACA compliance. 

Learn more about ACA Lifecycle Management and our dashboards here!

Best-in-class Support

Trusted ACA Support & Guidance

HR Work professionals in front of computer

ACA regulations change often. You need a specialist team to ensure your dashboard and processes are always up to date. Our ACA compliance experts become your trusted partner: 

  • Implementation Planning - Our team helps develop optimal measurement, administrative, and stability period plans tailored for your organization. 
  • Scheduled Business Reviews - Meet regularly with ACA specialists to discuss your organization's compliance status, risks, notifications, and recommendations. 
  • Audit Support - If you are audited, we provide support in gathering the information you need to present to the IRS to resolve inquiries quickly. 
  • Regulatory Change Management - As regulations shift, we ensure ACA Reporter receives all the needed updated to keep your information and dashboard insights up to date.
  • Tax Season Support - Each year, our ACA Team is here to help with your 1095 and 1094 form generation, distribution and e-filing process.
  • Year-Round Compliance Help - Our knowledgeable support staff is available whenever you need ACA guidance. 

By partnering with us, you can be confident you are fulfilling all ACA regulations while we handle monitoring, calculations, reporting, and expert guidance. Your compliance process is fully supported. 

Let's Talk!

Simplify ACA Tracking with ACA Reporter

Don't manage ACA compliance alone. The powerful ACA Reporter Dashboard provides real-time tracking, data-driven insights, regulatory expertise, and support you need. Sign up today for a personalized demo and start simplifying ACA compliance.