Read Our Reviews And Testimonials Below
We offer the very best services and solutions for your ACA Reporter needs. Our team will help you every step of the way and always have your satisfaction as our top priority.
McKean Defense Group Review
"The Points North services are simple to use and easy to manage. Support from Points North is the key to their service since I rely on their knowledge about the system and the rules surrounding ACA was one of their most beneficial systems."
Glenn Alvarez, McKean Defense
Montana Health Network
"We researched several products to gear up for the employer YE 1095 reporting of employee health insurance information. Points North offered a product that was affordable and easy to use. Points North benefited us because it was able to provide 1095 forms on time and in a format acceptable by the IRS. 1095 reporting was able to adapt between the B and C forms for different entities was the most beneficial system we found from Points North."
Craig Cremer, Montana Health Network
Diocese of Alexandria
"Anyone responsible for handling compliance with the Affordable Care Act knows the complexity of the law and accuracy required for the information called for by the IRS. Who’s Where really streamlined the process for record keeping and reporting for me. I really appreciate the patience and knowledge of their technical support team. They are great to work with.”
David Brook, Chief Financial Officer
Diocese of Providence
“Complying with the Affordable Care Act was something we were dreading. However, working with Who’s Where really made it a much smoother process than expected. I would highly recommend their people and their product.”
John Bittner – Director of Human Resources
Diocese of Duluth, MN
“A valuable tool for parishes to manage employee benefit obligations. At the same time, it’s a tool for me to manage/evaluate risk and cash flow. All the locations have become more interconnected, accountable and efficient as a result of this project.”
Franz Hoefferle, Chief Financial Officer
Diocese of Lincoln, NE
“First of all, we could never have managed the ACA compliance reporting without Who’s Where’s payroll aggregation system. Diocesan wide, we were simply not set up to manage such an endeavor. The enhancements made for the reporting will save me literally weeks of work preparing for our year end reporting. I am most grateful for the work Points North has done to continue to update their systems.The staff and support teams have been most patient and helpful both with implementation and with the ACA tax form preparations.”
Marsha Bartek, Human Resources Manager
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